The most challenging aspect of laser eye surgery is locating the finest facility with state-of-the-art equipment and the greatest physician. This is the single most critical element affecting the quality of the operation you are about to endure. Additionally, it plays a significant role in determining how smoothly your recuperation will go and ensuring you obtain the best eyesight possible.
Now that you’ve completed the most difficult stage and determined that you qualify for laser eye surgery, it’s time to prepare for the procedure. According to the eye doctors at Anaheim Eye, properly preparing for surgery ensures that the process will go well since you will be in the finest possible condition.

With years of expertise preparing patients for laser eye surgery, our experts have collected eight suggestions to assist you in properly preparing for the operation. Should we take a look at these suggestions?
If you satisfy all of the laser eye surgery criteria, make arrangements to take time off work for the procedure. It’s a short procedure — approximately a half-hour for each eye — but you’ll need someone to drive you to and from the operation on the same day. Click here for how to cope with the laser eye surgery after effects.
While you’re on vacation, check to see whether your insurance will cover the expense of the procedure. You may be pleasantly pleased to discover that your vision plan covers a portion of the cost of laser eye surgery.
Although recovery following surgery should only take a few days, let yourself about a week before you resume driving.
There may be an adjustment phase during which your depth perception adapts to your new, crisper vision.

PRK, or Photorefractive Keratectomy, is another kind of laser eye surgery. It is identical to laser eye surgery but requires a much longer recovery time: around one month.
If your doctor believes you are a good candidate for PRK, it is time to discuss a brief disability leave with your human resources department.
Recuperation Following LASIK Surgery
Within three days of your treatment, you should be able to return to normal. You should abstain from the following activities for at least one week: swimming; contact sports; applying mascara and eyeshadow; rubbing your eyes; and using computers, phones, or tablets.
Additionally, ensure that you are using your eye drops as directed. Consult your doctor immediately if you experience discomfort or unusual pupil dilatation.
Once you resume driving, you may choose to wear sunglasses for around two weeks.

Wearing sunglasses while driving protects your eyes from harmful ultraviolet rays as well as flying items such as pebbles that might cause damage to your eyes.
You may also wear sunglasses inside for the first few days after surgery to assist your eyes in adjusting. However, you may want to avoid applying sunscreen and lotion during that time period. Learn more how to care for your eyes after laser eye surgery.
Are You Compliant with laser eye surgery Requirements?
Laser eye surgery was formerly considered significant surgery a few decades ago. Nowadays, it is a regular outpatient treatment.
If you fulfill the laser eye surgery eligibility standards, the time has come to arrange your complimentary laser eye surgery consultation. Our specialists have performed vision correction surgery for over two decades and provide free first laser eye surgery consultations.
We’ll answer all of your concerns regarding laser eye surgery and ensure that you feel secure and comfortable during the treatment.

Knowing what to do — and what not to do — after surgery helps in the healing process and prevents problems. Alderwood Optical & Canyon Park Vision Clinic, two reputable optical care providers, provide the following advice to remember:
Never Rubbing or Touching Your Eyes
You may experience some soreness after the treatment. While it may be difficult, you must avoid the impulse to touch or massage your eyes. If possible, use goggles to prevent accidentally scratching or touching them.
Adhere to Your Physician’s Recommendations
If your eye doctor has recommended eye drops, strictly adhere to the instructions. Utilize them at specified times of the day to maintain enough lubrication of your cornea and to prevent discomfort. Adhere to the surgical team’s treatment plan and take any medicines as instructed. Attend all follow-up visits with your physician as well.
Take Enough Rest
Even if you feel completely normal after laser eye surgery, you may need to alter your regular routine. Rest your body for at least two days, avoiding activities that place extra strain on your eyes, such as reading, watching TV, or using your mobile phone. For at least a month, abstain from sports. Reintroduce yourself to your usual schedule as gradually as possible.

Make Provisions for Assisting Hands
You are not permitted to drive yourself home after laser eye surgery. As such, prepare ahead to have someone drive you home after the surgery. Although many patients are able to safely drive themselves to their follow-up appointment the following day, it is nevertheless suggested that you have someone drive you to avoid straining your eyes. While at home, ensure that the individual assists with household tasks within the first 24 hours to allow you to relax enough.
Avoid Makeup
Regardless of how used you are to using makeup, you must abstain from it for at least 24 hours before to surgery. Your face should be clean to reduce the risk of infection in your eyes and to promote a smooth surgical procedure. Additionally, refrain from using fragrances, lotions, or creams on the day of your operation.
Consult your doctor at any time if you have any concerns regarding your procedure. While there are several sources of information, it is important to get advice from a physician. If in doubt, do not be afraid to communicate and seek clarification. This will instill trust in the operation and dispel any worries that may induce anxiety on the day of surgery.
Make Certain That You Plan for Maximum Comfort
Ascertain that you will be completely comfortable on the day of the procedure. This will enable you to sleep well without exerting yourself or encountering unneeded obstacles. Dress with loose, comfortable clothing that is simple to remove in case you need a change. Additionally, vacuum your house and beddings to remove dust particles. Maintaining maximum cleanliness can help you prevent inflammation, itching, and infection in your recuperating eyes.
Consume an Adequate Amount of Water and Avoid Alcohol, Smoking, and Caffeine
Alcohol might dehydrate your eyes and make the laser eye surgery more difficult for you. On the other hand, water keeps you hydrated, which aids in healing. As you will need enough sleep and rest after surgery, avoid coffee, which makes sleeping harder.
Communicate With Your Physician and Obey His/Her Instructions
If you believe your doctor needs to know anything about you, make sure you address it with him or her. Maintain an open and honest relationship with your doctor so that he or she can counsel you appropriately. Ensure that you also follow all of your doctor’s preparation recommendations. If your doctor advises you to do something or not to do something, it is for your own good. If you believe you may forget any of the directions, it may be prudent to jot them down.
Adequate planning will enable a painless laser eye surgery procedure and a speedier recovery. The advice above is comprehensive, and we hope you will pay close attention to each one. Given the critical nature of your vision, it is critical that you choose the finest facility and surgeon available. Combining the greatest preparation with the best surgeon in a world-class facility will undoubtedly result in the best vision improvement.